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1.02 Settings Step 2 in Churchteams: GroupFinder Profiles

A list of categories that will be used as you create your groups;   Think in terms of “What types of groups will I be creating?” and create some categories for those groups

This tutorial will offer and explanation for each of the GroupFinder Profile categories and best practices for using them.  The GroupFinder Profiles are really just categories for your groups.  As you use Churchteams, you will use these as filters when finding a group or people that are in groups.

To edit the Profile settings, go to Groups & Events > Settings > Profile Questions.

  • Ministry:  If you were to put some of your groups into like Ministries, this is what we are looking to see in this section.  This is not where you will put your actual groups or group names, but rather a category heading or Ministry name for your groups.  

Add new Ministry types by clicking the blue “Add Response” button. 

Delete Ministry types you will not use by clicking the red “x.”  You should check first to make sure there are no groups currently using this type before deleting that type if you have been using Churchteams for a while.

Later, when you create Groups, you will always assign each of them a Ministry category.  This will help you later on as you run reports or do searches and want to filter to only certain Ministry areas, such as Adult Bible Study or Children’s Ministry.  

  • Lifestage:  This is another setting for groups.  Later, when creating a Group, you will assign each group one of these Lifestage types. 

Add new Lifestage types by clicking the blue “Add Response” button. 

Delete Lifestage types you will not use by clicking the red “x.”  You should check first to make sure there are no groups currently using this Lifestage before deleting that type if you have been using Churchteams for a while.

You can add other Profile questions/categories if you'd like to have one you do not see listed.  To add a Profile, click the Add Question button. 

Once each area has been reviewed and/or edited, click Save.  The next step if you are new to Churchteams and working through the setup is to review and edit the Member Attributes, found under Members > Settings > Member Attributes.  See 1.03 Setting Step 3 in Churchteams: Member Attributes for guidance.