Exporting data from ChurchTrac

Instructions for exporting data from ChurchTrac

To export people from ChurchTrac:

  1. Navigate to the People/Family section and select Custom Reports
  2. Choose a Custom Report and click "+"
  3. Select the smart list "Everyone."  Choose Names.
  4. Select the Report Fields & Options, and select all the fields you want imported into Churchteams.  (We prefer that you include everything, and we can help you sort through and clean out what you don't need.)
    1. To add a Field, click the "+" button and those will populate at the bottom of the page.
  5. Select Export to CSV.

To export Giving from ChurchTrac:

  1. Navigate to Giving/Pledges > Giving Reports.
  2. Enter the Start Date and End Date.
  3. Select Category Detail by Date.
  4. Select Category Detail by Date. 
    1. List each contribution given to the category "All Categories" between the dates above.
  5. Select Export to CSV.

Open each of the files and give your columns headers to name what the field is.