How can we collect Connection Card data and Prayer Requests?
You can create a Connection Card or Communication Card group for collecting all of the data received on these traditionally paper-type cards.
First, create the group, then add registration settings for this group with attributes for the data you want to collect for each person (the questions asked on the form). From this group, you can then transfer people into other groups, such as First Time Guest or to a life group, according to their responses. You can set up the transfer to other groups to be an automated process -- this is known as Automated Group Registration.
For prayer requests, make sure there is a Prayer Request note type (Go to People > Settings > Note Types, then Add Note Type if "Prayer" does not already exist. This is also where you will set the security level for viewing these notes).
Next, go back to the Communication Card group and edit the registration settings. There is an option toward the bottom of the form to make it a prayer request and to choose that note type. Be sure to add some language in the "Registration Completion Message" to tell people that they will now have the opportunity to enter a prayer request if they like. This is like a secondary registration after the initial registration into the Communication Card group.