How do I add a logo and customize the browse groups page?

Adding your logo to the Browse Groups page

To customize the look of the Browse Groups page and add a logo, go to Groups & Events > Settings > Browse Groups Page.

The Logo/Stylesheet Customization section allows you to upload a logo then paste it into a style sheet with the html code.  You also will see the style sheet to control the look and feel. The image file should be .jpeg, but there is not a specific size.  The size depends how large you want the logo, but you can add the width="400px" property to the img tag to make it fit better and of course change the 400 appropriately as you view your results.

Here is an example: <img src="/oimg/16654_ct_logo.jpg" width="400px">

Some knowledge of html code is necessary when editing this stylesheet.  You may want your website manager to help you with it.