Options for adding people into Churchteams
If you have not already had the bulk of your people/data imported into Churchteams, please speak with a member of our Support staff before proceeding further. We would like to import your current data for you. This is by far the easiest and most efficient way to enter information in bulk into Churchteams.
There are several ways to add a person into your Churchteams database:
Manually adding a person/family into Churchteams (There is no duplicate checking during this process)
To add a family (person) into your Churchteams database:
- Go to People > Family > Add (Choose Person rather than Family to only add one person. If they are a member of an existing family, first go to that family’s page then add the person by clicking the blue Add Family Member button on the right side of the page.)
- Enter the appropriate information in the attribute fields, remembering that the more information you enter, the more complete your database and better your reports will be.
Click Save to begin adding the individual members of the family. Click Save as you add each member.
Using a Registration Link or Keyword to allow People to enter their own information
As you become more familiar with Churchteams or attend webinars, we recommend that you create Registrations so that new families can use a link or text a Keyword to fill out a form, thus entering their own information into Churchteams. If you use Churchteams to track Contributions, a new person can be entered during the Contributions batch entry as well.
Detailed instructions for creating a Digital Connection Card can be found here.
Entering Info from Paper Connection/Guest Cards through the Check-In System
The check-in system of Churchteams can be utilized to streamline data entry of paper connection cards.
- Set up a Check-In View called “New Family Data Entry” by going to Check-In > Views/Setup. Details for setting up the Check-In View for Connection Card entry can be found here.
- To enter Connection/Guest card information, gather your cards and go to Check-In > Start Check-in.
- In the pop-up window, select New Family Data Entry from the dropdown window.
- Change the date to the date the guests attended. This date will populate onto the member record as the First Visit Date.
- Check the option for “No label printing.”
- Click OK.
- Always use the Search box to search the last names of each family on your cards first. This will help ensure that you do not enter a duplicate into Churchteams.
- If the family is not found via the Search, click the Add New Family button.
- Use the card to enter a family’s information in the New Family box, then click Save when you're done.
- You will have a chance to add them to other groups, such as a youth group or a children’s class. Click Done when any changes or additions are complete.
- Enter the next family.
- Once you have entered all guest cards, you can click your browser’s back button to leave the Check-in area and return to your regular Churchteams screens.
*This is the best practice for mass entering people into your Churchteams database and ensuring that you are collecting the needed information.
Children’s Check-in Stations
We recommend that you set up your check-in stations so that new families must check in along with a volunteer who can assist them with registration.
You can set up a check-in station in which volunteers can access a check-in view similar to the Connection Card entry and use that to enter new family information. To do this:
- Go to Check-in > Views/Settings.
- Click the “Copy” link just to the right of Connection Card Entry. This will create a duplicate check-in view with the same settings that you will need to rename.
- Click on the Copy name. Rename the check-in View to something such as Sunday Morning Guest Check-in. (This will let you know this is the view you will use for your volunteers to enter guest information.)
- Use all of the same settings that exist but in addition, enable/check:
- A1 - Include class/group name on child label.
- A3.1 - Include parent name(s) on child label.
- A3.2 - Include parent mobile phone on child label. (Security Code Length: 5)
- B4 - Include the current date/time on the parent label.
- B5.7 - Print parent labels AND text security code.
- C1 - Enable Family Security Labels (allows printing all child labels at once).
- C4 - Allow adding of people to groups/classes.
- C5 - Allow transfer of people between groups/classes.
- C6 - Allow removal of people from groups.
- C8 - Display the currently checked in count and maximum allowed for each group during check-in.
- C9 - Enable viewing/editing of existing member information (check the option for “Member button will allow viewing/editing of the member profile page).
- C10 - Enable texting feature to page parents via mobile phone.
- C11 - Enable name tag feature (Include class/group name on name tag labels).
- C12 - Enable the "Add Family Members" option.
*Read through the options in Section A and B for the Child and Parent label, as well as Section C for the Family Check In Screen options and enable the options that best suit your needs. The above recommendations are just some basics to get you started.