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  2. Giving
  3. Financial Reports & Statements

How do I create a report showing different levels (bands) of giving?

Create a member attribute defining the levels, then populate and report on them using scheduled reports.

Start by creating a Member Attribute.

Go to Members > Settings > Member Attributes and create a new attribute with dropdowns that define the different levels or bands of giving you want to track.  We recommend using the color code options as well to create an attribute with responses that might look like this.


Create, save, and schedule reports to populate each of these levels or bands. 

Go to Reports > New > Members > Mass Update Member Attribute.  Then select this Giving attribute and the level you want to populate.  This one is set for generous.

givgenThen use Filters > Contributions to define the total contribution range that fits this giving level.  This one is defined as $6,000 to $1,000,000 over the previous 12 months.

amntgvlevelNext run the report to view it if you would like.  Be sure to save it either before or after running it.  When you save it you can make it secure to only the top level of access, make the date range dynamic (52 weeks), and assign a tag like you see in this illustration.

givbandgenFinally, schedule the report to run once a month from Reports > New > Schedule.  This one will email this report on day 3 of every month to the list email addresses.

SchedgivlevelRepeat this process to populate each of your giving levels (bands) including those who gave $0 to $0 to identify them as Untracked in this illustration.  (Perhaps they give anonymously.)

Each time these reports run, they will update the designated dropdown on the member attribute at the same level for every family member.  

Create, save, and schedule an overall Giving Level Summary report.

Now that the member attribute fields are populated, you want a summary report for the church. 

To create this report choose:

  1. Reports > New > Members > Member listing. 
  2. In the green column select "List By Household" and the Member Attribute "Giving," or "Stewardship," or whatever you called it.   
  3. In the Filter column:
    1. "List By Household" will open up Family/Household Attributes.  Select "Selected Family Roles" and Adults.  Include others if you would like.
    2. Uncheck "Select related family members"
    3. Click Church Member Types and choose Members and maybe regular attenders.

givebandsreportsumWhen you run this report you will see a list of all your households and their respective giving levels or bands.  Scroll to the bottom of that colum to see the column summary of your overall giving levels.

GivebandtotalsSave this report as above.

Schedule this saved report to run one day or at least a few hours after the reports you created above.