Review imported Member data and adjust settings if applicable
The fields showing on a person's Information page are called People Attributes. You can customize these Attributes by going to People > Settings > People Attributes. Customize the name of the Attribute, where it appears on the page (sort order), and control who is able to edit that field.
To edit the settings for People Attributes, navigate to People > Settings > People Attributes. A description of the settings is below.
- Attribute Security Levels: Please review the security settings initialized by our conversion team to ensure that data is visible to only the appropriate security level(s). To change the security level at which a field is visible, click on the Attribute name and then update the security level and Save.
- Sort Order: To rearrange the order in which attributes are displayed on a person's Information page, click on the Attribute name and then edit Sort Order and Save. The sort order is the order in which the fields appear on a person's Information Page.
You may wish to customize the People Profile screen. The Profile screen shows an individual from the household on the left side of the screen, with limited information about the person just below their name and photo. However, you can pin attributes to want to see most often (such as Birth Date or Churcht Member Type) to this screen for convenience. (See instructions below)
The Information screen shows more details and displays all of the People Attributes. The Information Screen allows for editing information.
Pinned Attributes: You may wish to pin additional attributes below the standard member information on the member profile page (so that it's convenient to see more detail about the person without having to click from the Profile screen into the Information screen). To pin Member Attributes on the Profile Page, go to Members > Settings > Pinned Attributes.
Member Listing: To review your entire database list or filter by selected criteria, go to Reports > Saved. Toggle the "Created By" selection over to "All" and select the saved report named "People Listing by Household." Some defaults are already selected for attributes to be displayed, but you can select more fields to display in the report. Click “Run Report" to see the report.