Below is information for reviewing and modifying the Note settings, along with information on viewing Notes.
- Security Levels: Review the security level(s) for each Note Type. Go to People > Settings > Note Types, then click on the name of the note to modify who can view that particular Note Type based on their security login level. You can also add a Password to Note Types so that only someone with that specific password can open those types.
- Notes Display: As a reminder, you will only see the most recent three notes on the people profile page. Click on the View All button to display all notes.
- People Listing with Notes report: Run a report showing Notes by going to Reports > New. Select People as the Report Type, then choose People Listing with Notes. Select the appropriate Options in the column on the far left, such as the date range or type of Notes you want to appear in the Report. Optionally, use the middle Filters column to filter the report to only certain groups and/or people.
* Be sure to check the box at the top of the left column to only include people if they have Notes; otherwise, people without Notes will possibly appear in the report.