Can I export all our data?

How to export all of your data in Churchteams

To export all data in your Churchteams account, you'll need to run five separate reports.
  1. Member information: Reports > New >Members > Export people information, in the green options area, select everything but stop before "Current group membership" (as that can give you an error) and then Run the report.
  2. Group Information: Reports > New > Groups > Export Group Information (located in the top section of the Group reports. Do not use any filters. Run Report.
  3. Group Attendance: Reports > New > Groups > Export Attendance (located in the middle section of the Group Reports). Add a filename, do not use any filters. Run Report.
  4. Group Members: Reports > New > Groups > Export Group Members (located in the last section of the Group Reports). Add a filename, do not use any filters. Run Report.
  5. Contributions: Reports > New > Financial > Export Contributions.  Add a filename, do not use any filters.  Run Report.