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How to set up and use Text-to-Me

With Text-to-Church, texting the Keyword, ME, people can update their profiles, see groups they lead, view or respond to their volunteer schedule, and so much more.

What is Text-to-Church?

If you have a Text-to-Church number set up already, just text the word ME. This is the best way for you to see the feature in action - it is already set up.

If you need texting service through Churchteams, from your Churchteams Home Screen Dashboard, click "Find a phone number" (or go to Communicate > Text > Text-to-Church Info).

What is Text-to ME? 

No need to overthink this!  ME is simply our keyword for a person to text the database in order to:

  1. Login (coach level and higher) 
  2. See/edit my Follow-up assignments 
  3. See my Volunteer schedule 
  4. View my church directory (if enabled) 
  5. Go to important church links (e.g. website or podcast, you choose) 
  6. Access groups I lead 
  7. Update my information 


How to use it:

After texting the Keyword ME, click the returned text link (see image above) to get to this page.  Notice the top right-hand side where you can log in (which only appears at the coach level or above) & can update your profile information. 


Underneath this you will notice multiple sections such as the:

Follow-Up section (grey is completed, green is outstanding assignments)


Giving section (where you can donate and set up recurring gifts)


Volunteer section (green is accepted, red is declined, and yellow is pending invitations).


Groups section (any groups that you are either a leader of or complete meeting reports for will appear here).


Events section (take a look at how you can add events to this section here)


Resource section (take a look at how you can add resources to this section here). Notice the Church Directory (if your church has the Directory enabled) and other user-defined links.


Contact Preferences section (where you can manage your enrollment in email lists & personal notification settings)
