How to set up a registration for parents and children, e.g. VBS or Youth camp.
Registration for events with children or students should begin with a parent group where family information can be collected first, and then each child registered.
Camp Registration Video
Why two groups?
Here are three reasons you need two different groups.
- To collect different information for parents and kids. Example: Kids registrations will require information like age, grade in school, t-shirt size, parent consent, and activity interests. Parents just need their contact information. Don't add parent contact information to child registrations.
- To keep that information connected to the correct family member. Example: Parent phone numbers and email addresses should only be associated with the adults.
- Separate groups make it easier to communicate with and track information needed from both parents and their kids.
Create the kids group.
- Create the kids or student group just as you would create any group, and add "Child" or "Youth (Student)" as part of this group name, such as VBS registration - Children, or Youth Camp Registration - Students, so that groups are easy to distinguish later.
- Work through the options on the registration settings page. Make sure to assign the cost by either 1) putting the total at the top of the registration page where it says "Registration Cost (per person)," or 2) leave this area blank and assign the cost within the Registration Attribute you create depending on the activities they select (see point #6 for more on this).
- Default Church Member Type is generally defaulted to Guest, but only applies to new people being added to the database or Unknown church member types. Default family role should be set to Child or Youth.
- Example of registration fields for VBS
- Example of registration fields for Youth Camp. Notice: Email and Mobile Phone Numbers are not required. Leave them off if you don't expect kids to have them. Parents tend to incorrectly put their number or email in there.
- Payments are typically managed through Registration field options like Youth Camp Division or Youth Camp Activities above. Click the Customize registration fields button (above) to customize these. Example: Youth Camp Division
- The Auto Register for Group option above will enroll everyone who selects this dropdown option into the associated group.
Create the parents group.
- Create the parent group just as you would create any group, and add "Parent (Adult)" as part of this group name, such as VBS registration - Parents, or Youth Camp Registration - Parents so that the groups are easy to distinguish later.
- Work through the options on the registration settings page. Assign the Keyword and start/end dates to this group as it will be the first registration they fill out. Payment and all child information will be collected on the Child/Student registration.
- Most of the time all you really want is the parent's contact information. Default Church Member Type is generally defaulted to Guest, but only applies to new people being added to the database or Unknown church member types. Default Family Role should be set to "Parent/Guardian (Adult)" to make it clear whose information you are asking for.
- Select the Student or Child registration related to this event on the Registration Completion Options dropdown. This will take the registrant to the student registration as soon as they complete their parent registration. We recommend allowing multi-person registrations for both registrations.
- Use the Link, Text-to-Register, and Start and End Dates on this registration, on your website, and in your communication to families on how and when to register.