How to track and follow up with missing people?

How to track and follow up with missing people in Churchteams?

A common metric we find that pastors like to track, is attendance or who is missing.  In other words, when a person or better yet a family hasn't attended, they want to know and act on it. 

We've got can help you identify people who have either been absent or possibly stopped checking in.  We recommend caution when sending any communication that implies they have missed church in case the issue is that they did not check in but were present.   

  1. Create a report that will show who(among those who regularly attend) has missed a set number of times in a specific date range.
    • Go to Reports > New > Groups > Missing Persons Report. 
    • In the Options column on the left, enter the date range in which people in the report would have attended at least once, then enter the number of weeks they may have missed during that date range. 
    • Using the dropdown menus, select the specific groups or ministries you want to be included in the report. (Select your Worship Service group or all of your Adult Bible Study classes for example. 
    • Run the report to see the results.
  1. Save the report to access again later or to schedule for automation
    • Click the Add to Saved Reports button on the Report.
    • In the pop-up Save window, name the Report and use a dynamic date range for calculation, such as 12 weeks.  This ensures that the report is examining a rolling date range each time it is run.
  2. Automate / Schedule the report to run automatically each month.
    • Go to Reports > Scheduled.
    • Click the "+Schedule a Report" button.
    • Use the dropdown menu to select a Saved Report.  Choose the one you saved.
    • Enter your email address - this will be where the report is delivered each time it is automatically run.
    • Select a run frequency, such as Monthly, and a Schedule start date and time. 
    • Save - and enjoy the automation!

Use the report as a dashboard or guide for following up with people who may have missed.  We recommend you use this report in a staff meeting or to discuss with small group leaders in case the person has simply not checked in rather than missed. Compare each month's report for follow-up.