In Churchteams, reports can (1) provide feedback from collected information, or (2) use our powerful filters to perform mass actions within the database.
To get started, from the menu go to Reports > New.
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to Save and Schedule your report after you've created it, but if you'd like to jump straight to those tutorials instead, here are the references:
How do I save reports and access them later?
What are Scheduled Reports, and how are they used?
Creating a New Report in Churchteams:
Start your thinking about reports by considering your desired outcome, and use our report options and filters to achieve your goal. If you create a report you'll use regularly; we'll show you how to Save the Report at the end of this tutorial and even Schedule it to run automatically.
Report Types
There are four types of reports if you have financial access. Otherwise, you will only see three types. Specific reports of that type are listed below the header. Click the Examples buttons for any category to see some of our report options and examples.
- People: include lists, family directory, export, and database maintenance reports
- Communication: includes labels, email & texting options, member update requests, and reports for adding people to workflows
- Financial: include contribution detail and charts, statements, reconciliation, pledges, and recurring giving reports.
- Groups: include rosters, volunteer schedules and block out dates, attendance, and missing person reports
Within each category, consider whether you need an output of collected data (what we traditionally think of when we think of reports) or need mass changes made in the database. Typically, the report names that begin with an action, such as "Suspend, Remove, Export, Mass Update, and Send Email," will perform mass actions within the database, using our filters to capture people with something(s) in common, and then take that action. Our other reports are more traditional data output reports.
Report Options
Once a report is selected, the system will open a new page with a green Options column, allowing you to select options to be included in your report. These fields will display whether you have the corresponding data in the database or not. The more reports you run, the more valuable current and accurate data for all members and groups is when using report options and filters.
Report Filters
The middle, blue column contains the Report Filters. Filters let you choose the people you want to be included in your report. To make the filters easier to locate, we've categorized them by Group, People, and Contribution filters. Here are some examples:
- Group Filters: People in groups, not in groups, attended a group during a specific date range, people who registered for groups with specific form responses, etc.
- People Filters: People with a specific church member type, a specific gender, zip code, birth month, ministry interest, family role, etc.
- Contribution Filters: Families that gave for the first time in a specific date range, stopped giving, gave three or more times in a date range, or are recurring donors, etc.
Report Summary; Running and Saving Report
The orange Review box on the right side of the page summarizes what the report will do once you run it. We recommend you review this before running the report to ensure that the options and filters you've selected are correct. Click the Go! button to Run the Report.
Depending on the report you've selected, the system will either display output data based on your selections or prompt you for a few more choices to perform mass actions (such as in the cases of sending an email, mass updating member information, or removing people from the database).
Click the Save button on this page or the next one to save it. When you do, this screen pops up. Give it a name and assign a security level to determine who can see this saved report. Depending on the report you are saving, you may have options for saving a dynamic date range (meaning a range that will automatically update each time you run it). There is also an option to add a tag which can be used to filter saved reports when you are viewing or searching for them.
For more details on Saved Reports, including dynamic date filters, adding Tags, changing the Security Level of Saved Reports, and Search options, read more here.
Once you have Saved a report, you can also Schedule most to run at automatic intervals. Read more about Scheduled Reports here.