Can you give me some ideas on how to use workflows?

Here are 10 ways for you to consider as you start using workflows.

  1. Guest follow-up.  Notify leaders to contact guests.  Automate a text Sunday afternoon with an open-ended question.  Invite them back next Saturday.  Update their member record.
  2. Missing persons.  Find people who've missed 4 weeks in a row and set up a series of follow up actions.  You can modify it any way you want.  Hint: make sure you are accurately capturing attendance - ask us for ideas on that if you need help.
  3. Grief care.  Notify the pastor or send a personalized email on the 1 month, 6 month, and one year anniversary of the passing of a loved one, especially a spouse.  Customize the time frames and the actions to fit your ministry.
  4. Easter (or any event) follow up campaign.  Series of emails or texts reinforcing the message of Easter and inviting people back.  Can be used for any event.
  5. Preschool promotion.  Weekly report to find and promote preschoolers to their next age-based class.  Examples: 6 months old, 18 months old, 3 years old.           
  6. Birthdays recognition.  Several ways to set up the system to identify people with birthdays, and email or text them automatically (personalized).  Or, notify someone to call or hand write a note. 
  7. Thank first time givers.  Starts with an automated report that identifies families that gave the first time and either communicates with them automatically (personalized), or notifies someone to thank them in other ways.
  8. Flag lapsed givers.  Notify pastor and other leaders of people who have stopped giving.  Really helpful for pastoral care awareness.
  9. Volunteer training.  Use workflows to help recruit volunteers and then to provide their training as a drip campaign linked to web-based email or landing pages.
  10. Reassuring guest parents. Make parents feel welcome knowing their kids are safe with a text 10-15 minutes after they drop off their children.

Based on this July 18, 2023 blog post.