Check-in Label Printer Info and Recommendations.

Check-in Label Printer Info and Recommendations for Churchteams.

Initial Setup of Browsers and Printers

Note:  When using tablets you MUST use one of the below browsers as a printer station as our check-in system does not support direct printing from a tablet.

Recommended printers are:

  • NOTE: Dymo Wireless are NOT recommended due to their lack of a stable WiFi connection.


For direct tablet printing, the ONLY devices that work are the Microsoft Surface Go or Pro tablets.  If you want to use an iPad or any other tablet a PC or Mac is REQUIRED if you want to print labels.  If you are not printing and just taking attendance, then you can use tablets by themselves.


Any PC capable of running a full version of Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Enterprise) will work and so generally we don't recommend one brand of PC.  Mac's only using Chrome and the new Edge will also work with a bit more set up (See instructions here). 

PC Instructions (Browsers)

Chrome (Recommended)



Mac Instructions (Browsers)

On a Mac you must use Chrome, Edge, or Firefox as Safari does not have support for bypassing the print confirmation dialog.

Chrome (Recommended)

